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Support City of Truro Sea Cadets & Royal Marines Cadets fundraising initiative

Thursday 9th May, 2024

Support City of Truro Sea Cadets & Royal Marines Cadets fundraising initiative

Truro Sea Cadets & Royal Marines Cadets, based in Heron Way, aims to instil valuable life skills and experiences in young people through boating and maritime activities.

The organisation is an integral part of the community, participating in local initiatives including the recent litter pick to help spruce up the city’s streets, organised by Truro BID in association with Newham BID.

The charity recently launched a fundraising campaign to help build a new kitchen and bathrooms for their cadet training centre.

“The current facilities have become run-down and in dire need of renovation” said Freya Peachey, Colour Sergeant (SCC). “Our unit is run on donations and by volunteers, and over the years we’ve been able to positively impact hundreds of children because of this financial support. But now we need to raise £30,000 to build a new state-of-the-art kitchen that can accommodate the needs of our cadets.”

Fundraising efforts are gaining momentum, with other local businesses such as LA Pilates lending support. But with renovations underway they still need support to fulfil their goal. Whether you are a local business or resident, consider donating to help the cadets to thrive. Visit

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