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About Newham BID

New to Newham BID?

If your business has recently relocated to Newham, do get in touch – email Mel Richardson at

Your business email can be added to our database so you receive updates on Newham BID activities. We would also like to say hello to you and welcome you to Newham.

  1. Articles in West Briton – every month Newham BID has a page in the West Briton to profile businesses on Newham and the BID’s PR team at DCA can write up a piece for your business; lead articles appear on Cornwall Live -
  2. Videos – DCA can organise videos; past videos have good viewing statistics – see them here at
  3. Social Media – your news can be easily shared - All of this is done by DCA- Tweets from @newham_truro include the hashtag #finditinNewham, so please use this in your own social media as part of the awareness-building campaign.
  4. Photos – Newham BID has a good library of photos of Newham that can be used on your website
  5. Newham website – – an entry can be written for your business
  6. Newham map – this is a hard copy hand out that lists your business, regularly updated – to see the current version click here
  7. CCTV – Newham is covered by 32 cameras including ANPR and can provide footage to assist the police in apprehending those who commit crime on Newham and to support insurance claims
  8. Kestrel Security – Newham BID has guards patrolling in cars intermittently – get in touch with Newham BID to find out the site reference number and call number to use if you ever need to call them in an emergency (after calling Police) 
  9. Signage – Newham BID has a number of signs across the estate and can create slats for businesses in areas where these are located 
  10. Lobby/Represent business interests – Newham can provide support, advise, signpost and in many cases, solve issues around access, drains, highways, grot spots, parking, broadband as well as supporting new investors looking for premises on: Newham – and
  11. Jobs – have a vacancy to fill? Newham BID can help promote your jobs to support you with recruitment -
  12. Keeping Newham tidy – our maintenance contract focuses on keeping the verges tidy and foliage cut back 
  13. Landscaping/Green – during 2022, Newham BID has started landscaping areas to make them more attractive and contribute towards a ‘greener’ Newham. Newham BID is also exploring what can be introduced as an industrial estate or by individual businesses to minimise our impact on the environment and contribute towards net zero. This project is at an early stage but interest from Newham businesses and their employees is welcome 
  14. Networking, Events and Training – Newham is planning a host of networking events and training sessions for businesses to find out more about particular subjects and to get to know each other – more information will be posted here
Business Directory & MapBusiness Directory